It’s hard to teach people to be funnier. Just the word “funny” can ruin an improv class. That’s because once you tell a group to “be funny,” they go way too hard. Fathers shrug when they learn their kids are in danger. Employees declare they are in love with their staplers. Doctors laugh that their patients have cancer.
It’s all absurdity, no humanity.
The Eyebrow Test
The amount of absurdity you need for an improv scene is very small. You just have to pass the “eyebrow test.” Something has to be strange enough that it would make your eyebrows go up.
We don’t need doctors to be completely icy and cavalier as they announce the worst diseases ever.
But maybe you play a doctor who keeps comparing you to former NFL quarterback Tom Brady. “If you were Tom Brady, you wouldn’t need to watch your carbs.”
Crazy? No. But it makes my eyebrows go up. And thus, we have enough for a scene.
What Next? Heighten and Explore
Once we have even a little absurdity in the scene, you move on to the next phase: heighten and explore.
As I’ve been told by readers of this Substack, “Explore and heighten” is originally a Viola Spolin term. These words have been re-purposed many times by improv teachers to mean different things. I am using “heighten and explore” the way I was taught at the UCB Theatre. It was used essentially as advice for writing on your feet.
Heighten and explore in this context means, very roughly:
Heighten: make it more absurd
Explore: tell the story around the absurdity
Or, even more simplified:
Heighten: do it again, bigger
Explore: say why
For the doctor who keeps bringing up Tom Brady, you might heighten by having him say “If this bronchitis doesn’t go away, you might want to throw the ‘ol football around a bit, see if that loosens things up.” Or maybe “put on this football helmet, maybe we can trick your body into thinking it’s Tom Brady.”
More absurd.
To explore, you want the story that made the doctor this way. “I’m from just outside Boston. Love the Patriots. Tom Brady is my god. Never made the team myself in school, but gosh I wanted to. Had to settle for owning my own medical practice.”
You want to mix both heightening and exploring to make the scene last longer. At UCB we use the “stair step” diagram to stand for heightening and exploring.
Sorry to blow you away with my amazing drawing skills.
Heighten Slowly, Stay Human
Heightening and exploring are a huge topic, and it’s really case by case to know how to do them.
Two general pieces of advice: heighten slowly. If you get too big too fast, it feels fake.
And stay human. Don’t ever heighten so far that it just doesn’t feel possible for someone to do.
Funny Face
Here’s a barely related thing. If you ask someone to make a “funny face” here is the face they almost always will make.
Like, everyone does it. Any age, any culture.
Here’s what I think the funniest face is.
I’m still smirking too much in that one, actually. Thought I really brought it down to zero.
Plugs, Ongoing
High Functioning - Ian Roberts and I do an hour of improv EVERY SATURDAY 7pm at the UCB Annex. See this video for Ian and I showing you where the UCB Annex is.
The World’s Greatest Improv School: The improv school I run with Jim Woods and Sarah Claspell. We’ve got classes online, in LA and even a few in NYC!
How to Be The Greatest Improviser On Earth - My improv book, available at Amazon. Kindle or print. It’s a hodge-podge of advice I wrote in 2016 about doing improv. If you’re broke and want a free PDF version just email me and I’ll send it over.
Screw It, We’re Just Gonna Talk About Comics - Comic book podcast, hosted by my brother Kevin and I. We are covering a little-known 1985 comic Watchmen (yes, THAT Watchmen). Subscribe for bonus episodes!
Screw It, We’re Just Gonna Talk About The Beatles - monthly deep dive on a little known indie band from Liverpool called The Beatles. Subscribe for access to back episodes!
This may not be the time or place to mention it, but I noticed your tongue is fissured, which can sometimes be linked to dehydration. Staying well-hydrated might help with this—Gatorade is great for hydration. Tom Brady, for instance, prefers the Mountain Ice flavor
That smirk is over the top, Will. I shake my head at how far you took that face on one step. Not sure I fully believe it. 😂